
Staten Island Chuck predicts an early spring

Photo courtesy of Mayor Bloomberg’s office

An early spring is on its way, though with the winter’s warm weather residents may not notice a difference.

Awoken by chants of “Chuck,” New York’s season predicting groundhog, Staten Island Chuck, emerged from his log cabin at 7:30 a.m. this morning without seeing his shadow — signaling an early spring.

“Six more weeks of sun and warm weather,” Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Chuck predicted. “And a Giant win.  Go Giants.”

Charles G. Hogg — Chuck’s full name — has predicted an early spring each of the past five years from his residence at the Staten Island Zoo.

The prediction of an early spring comes during one of the warmest winters on record — showing the sharpness of Chuck’s meteorological moxie.

Chuck’s fellow famed forecaster, Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter.