
Sick teen gets dream ‘Sweet Fifteen’ birthday party

THE COURIER/Photos by Mike DiBartolomeo

Sweet Sixteen came early for a teen transplant patient, who got the gift of a “Sweet Fifteen” party from one of Queens’ most recognizable event venues, Terrace on the Park.

Linda Shohatee, who is living at St. Mary’s Hospital for Children, got a break from doctors and nurses as she partied down on Friday, September 21 with friends and family.

“I’ve never seen her dance like that. I’ve never seen her smile so much,” said Linda’s father, Gamal Shohatee.

Shohatee was one of the first children to have the rare and difficult transplant of her small intestines nearly 12 years ago. However, for the past two years, she has suffered numerous potentially fatal complications.

Terrace on the Park first got wind of Shohatee’s condition from a letter submitted by Kathleen Capitulo, registered nurse and the pro bono advocate for Shohatee.

“[Linda’s] dream has been to have a big ‘Sweet Fifteen’ birthday party,” wrote Capitulo.

Terrace on the Park jumped on the opportunity, and Shohatee celebrated her 15th birthday at a “Bollywood to Hollywood” themed celebration.

“There is no way we could pay them back,” said Shohatee’s father of Terrace on the Park. “Linda is very happy.”