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Check back here for continuing Primary Day coverage from the casting of ballots to the election results.

11:52 p.m.

Projected winners in Queens city council districts:

City Council District 22 – Costa Constantinides

City Council District 28 – Ruben Wills

City Council District 24 -Rory Lancman

City Council District 31 -Donovan Richards

City Council District 32 – Lew Simon

11:36 p.m.

Melinda Katz projected as winner in Queens borough president race, beating Councilmember Peter Vallone Jr.

11:33 p.m.

Scott Stringer is projected as the winner in Democratic comptroller race, beating Eliot Spitzer.

11:25 p.m.

Christine Quinn has conceded the Democratic race for mayor.

11:13 p.m.

Councilmember Letitia James and State Senator Daniel Squadron will go on to runoff in Public Advocate race.

Squadron released the following statement:

“Over the next 21 days, we’ll keep talking about my record — about results, reform, and integrity. And we will talk about my plan to make the Public Advocate’s office essential to our city, getting results for New Yorkers who need them.”

“Thank you to all of our supporters. We wouldn’t have gotten this far without you. Now let’s bring it home.”

11:00 p.m.

Joe Lhota projected as winner of Republican mayoral primary.

10:45 p.m.

Democratic mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner makes concession speech:  “Sadly, I was an imperfect messenger.”

10:29 p.m.

Borough President race: Katz is a little over 25,000 and Vallone is not yet at 20,000 with more than half of precincts reporting.

10:22 p.m.

Leading in citywide races with 26 percent reporting: de Blasio 39 percent, Lhota 50 percent, Stringer 52 percent, Squadron 34 percent.

10:19 p.m.

City Council District 31 incumbent Donovan Richards with 61.2 percent of votes, with 13.8 percent precincts reporting.

Incumbent Councilmember Ruben Wills currently with 48.9 percent of votes, with 22.5 percent precincts reporting in City Council District 28 race.

10:12 p.m.

Borough President Candidate Melinda Katz is up about 1,000 votes now with 12 percent precincts reporting.

9:30 pm.

Exit polls show Bill de Blasio with a strong lead in the mayoral race, according to reports, and Scott Stringer ahead in the comptroller race.

9:00 p.m.

Polls are now closed.

3:43 p.m.

City Council District 22 candidate John J. Ciafone voted today together with his wife and son.

“I’m getting a good feeling but of course we don’t know until the end of the evening,” he said. “I’m optimistic.”

“It’s been a long journey and hopefully it’s not the end of the road, it’s a new beginning,” he said.

1 p.m.

Lew Simon, Democratic candidate for City Council District 32, votes at P.S. 114 in Belle Harbor.

Photo courtesy of Simon’s campaign

11:30 a.m.

Republican mayoral candidate John Catsimatidis stops by Bay Terrace poll site P.S. 169.

THE COURIER/Photo by Melissa Chan

11:15 a.m.

State Senator Daniel Squadron, running in the Democratic Public Advocate Primary, votes alongside his son at P.S. 29.

Photo via @DanielSquadron

11:05 a.m.

Democratic City Council District 22 candidate Costa Constantinides voted together with his four-year old son, Nikolas, and wife, Lori, at P.S. 85 in Astoria this morning.

“I feel great, it’s been a wonderful day,” he said.

“It was a really special moment to cast a ballot with my son,” he continued.

“Of course I’d like to win, but it’s more than me winning, it’s about representing the community.”

THE COURIER/Photo by Angy Altamirano

10:56 a.m.

City Council District 27 Candidate Joan Flowers gives a thumbs up after voting today.

THE COURIER/Photo by Maggie Hayes

10:31 a.m.

City Comptroller candidate and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer voting today.


“Just voted with my beautiful wife and family. An exciting and proud moment!”

Photo via Twitter

10:22 a.m.

Chrissy Voskerichian, candidate for City Council District 19 in northeast Queens, casts her ballot this morning in the Democratic Primary.

Photo courtesy of Voskerichian’s campaign

10:21 a.m.

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, vying for the Democratic mayoral nomination, votes in Manhattan.


“Joined by Kim and my dad to cast my vote this AM in Chelsea! We have work to do and a world to change! #VoteQuinn ”

Photo via Twitter

10:12 a.m.

Public Advocate candidate and Councilmember Letitia James voting this morning.


” just did my civic duty and cast my #vote

10:09 a.m.

Republican mayoral candidate Joe Lhota casts his ballot.

Photo via @JoeLhota4Mayor

10:00 a.m.

City Council District 19 candidate Austin Shafran exits the booth after casting his vote in Bay Terrace.

9:52 a.m.

Democratic mayoral candidate Erick Salgado votes with his spouse Sonia and son Derick at I.S. 51 in Staten Island

Photo via @ErickSalgadoNYC

9:48 a.m.

Democratic mayoral candidate Sal Albanese votes.


“I voted this morning. Now, it’s your turn! ”

9:30 a.m.

City Council District 19 candidate John Duane votes at P.S. 94

9:00 a.m.

Borough president candidate Councilmember Peter Vallone Jr. cast his ballot at P.S. 122 in Astoria.

Photo courtesy of Vallone’s campaign

8:30 a.m.

Democratic City Comptroller candidate Eliot Spitzer in Queens this morning.


“#SpitzBlitz taking it to #Queens.  We need an independent voice for NYC”

Photo via Twitter

8:25 a.m.

City Council District 27 candidate Manuel Caughman voting this morning.

Photo courtesy Caughman’s campaign

8:24 a.m.

Republican mayoral candidate John Catsimatidis signing in to vote.

Photo via @JCats2013

7:47 a.m.


Public Advocate and Democratic mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio casts his ballot in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

“Just voted! Make sure you do too: https://BLAS.IO/POLLS #VotedeBlasio”

Photo via Twitter

7:15 a.m.

City Council District 27 candidate Sondra Peeden votes at P.S. 118 Lorraine Hansberry School.

Photos courtesy of Peeden’s campaign 

7:06 a.m.

Democratic mayoral candidate and former City Comptroller Bill Thompson votes.


“I just voted! Now get out to the polls and exercise your right to vote. ”

Photo via Twitter

6 a.m.

Polls are now open and will close at 9 p.m. You can find your poll site location online at https://nyc.pollsitelocator.com or by calling the voter Phone Bank at 1-866-VOTE-NYC.