To the Editor:
In response to Mr. Gusick's letter, it is obvious that if a term “general welfare” meant congress could do anything it deemed to be “good,” there would be no restraint on government and we would be buried in pork and ruled by tyranny.
Our founders intended to limit the power of the federal government, allowing it only the powers specifically granted by the states and enumerated in the Constitution. The tenth amendment reserves all other powers to the states and the people. Thomas Jefferson phrased it this way. “In questions of power, let us hear no more of trust in men, but rather bind them down from mischief with the chains of the constitution.” The objective of the constitution is restraint of government.
Aid to New Orleans as well as to schools, foreign governments, health care, businesses and the rest of the boondoggles is illegal, as is welfare itself. “Home relief” was renamed “welfare” to make it sound constitutional.
Sadly, most congressmen cross their fingers when they take their oath before God to uphold our Constitution, which is a restraint on their greed. And sadly, too, is the fact that Americans are too lazy to read and learn their constitution, the document that made America possible. Anyone desiring to learn more about our constitution is urged to contact
Frank Ferrari