Are you curious about the popularity of your name? Would you like to know just how many Michaels, Susans, and Toms dominate our country or your state?
The social security administration annually lists its most popular baby names. All the names are compiled from social security card applications for births in the United States and list the most popular baby names as far back as 1880, a year after social security cards were issued. However, many people’s names prior to 1937 were excluded because most people did not apply for a social security card until after that year.
For those who wish for their child to bear a unique name they should stay away from the name Emily, the most popular girl’s name since 1996 and Jacob, the most popular boy’s name since 1999. Michael now stands at number two after being number one for 30 years before being passed by Jacob.
The remaining top ten names for boys after Jacob and Michael are Joshua, Matthew, Ethan, Andrew, Daniel, Anthony, Christopher and Joseph. Following Emily and Emma, the top ten names for girls are Madison, Abigail, Olivia, Isabella, Hannah, Samantha, Ava, and Ashley.
The most popular baby name feature on the social security website, it is just one of their many services. Go to to apply for retirement or disability, or to help you select your new baby’s name.