
HELP NETWORK – Professionals who work with seniors share information

In order to create better service for senior citizens, Senior Umbrella Network of Queens (SUNQ) was formed four years ago and now has an estimated 85 members, all of whom serve senior citizens in some way.
When the organization was first formed, there were already SUN divisions in Nassau County and Suffolk County and co-founders Ron Fatoullah and Liz Salisbury, who still serve on the organization's board, saw a need to have one in Queens and invited other colleagues to join the group. Two other members of the initial executive board were current board members Diana Clingan and Ellen Makofsky.
&#8220The first meeting we had a great turnout,” said SUNQ co-chair Clingan. &#8220It just kind of grew from there.”
All of SUNQ's members are professionals who work with seniors in various capacities. Clingan, a social worker with Hospice of New York, said that by bringing everyone together they gain &#8220a more comprehensive understanding of what services are out there for seniors,” which she said makes it easier for them to provide better help for senior citizens.
&#8220We bring together people with a variety of backgrounds who share the commitment and desire to understand the issues that seniors face today and boomers will face in the future,” said Stewart Small, co-chair of SUNQ. &#8220By sharing our individual knowledge and experience with the group, and joining together to influence others, we can help our community and those we serve professionally.”
SUNQ assists by exchanging information, having ongoing education for its members and providing referral services. When it was initially formed, SUNQ created a senior advocacy component, which the other divisions didn't previously have.
&#8220We really wanted to do whatever we could to make things better,” Clingan said. &#8220It was a way to give to the community and really advocate for our senior population.”
The fact that SUNQ is celebrating its fourth anniversary indicates to Clingan that it has been a helpful organization for the borough.
&#8220I think it's great,” she said. &#8220I've been very happy with the fact that we seem to be fulfilling a need.”
As SUNQ continues with its work, Clingan said that the organization is talking about expanding its activities further. There is talk about holding an event such as a health fair to more directly serve seniors. The idea of sponsoring a scholarship for a student of gerontology has also been proposed.
Small, who has been with SUNQ for three years, is a Financial Service Representative from the Lake Success Financial Group. He also said that they want to continue to recruit new members.
&#8220We want to grow by offering great opportunities and value to our membership and our community,” he said. &#8220We are actively seeking new members that provide services that are not currently represented.”
For more information on SUNQ, visit www.sunqueens.org. People interested in joining the organization can also contact the membership committee by calling Patti Eaton at 516-739-1270, Ext. 223 or Jason LaNasa at 516-596-2700.