
How to register to vote

Are you registered to vote? Here is how to do so:
First, make sure you qualify. Are you 18 years or older and a U.S. citizen? Have you lived in New York City for at least 30 days?
Good. Now make sure you are not serving a jail sentence, on parole for a felony conviction, or been found mentally incompetent by a court. If you are as none of these, you can register to vote.
Remember, unless you have an absentee ballot, you cannot vote outside of the city where you legally reside.
Your registration form must be delivered or mailed at least 25 days before the election for it to be effective for that election. You can register in person by visiting one of the Board of Elections offices listed on www.vote.nyc.ny.us/offices.html.
To register by mail, you have several options:
1. Download and print the form from the web site. The form is available in English, Spanish, Chinese and Korean at https://www.vote.nyc.ny.us/register.html. If necessary, you can download the software needed to view it at the bottom of the web page.
2. Call the Phone Bank at 1-866-VOTE-NYC to order a postage-paid registration form in the mail.
3. Forms are available from libraries, post offices and most New York City government agencies.
Once you have the form, fill it out in BLUE or BLACK ink and make sure to sign it. Mail to:

Board of Elections in the City of New York
32 Broadway, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10004-1609