
National Council of Jewish Women

Our September paid-up membership luncheon was a great success. The speaker from the Israeli Embassy was young, enthusiastic, and full of information.
In October, our meeting focuses on health programs in and out of the hospital.
Our November 24 meeting will be most timely. Gary Ackerman, our Congressman, will discuss the results of the election. This subject will be of critical importance to everyone and no one is better qualified to explain it to us than our Congressman.
As usual, we will meet at the New Hyde Park Recreational Center (Clinton Martin Park) at noon. Refreshments will be served. November 5 will be our Seasoned Singles trip to the Brooklyn Museum. Members will pay $10 for the bus, which will leave from the Walb Baum’s parking lot at 256th Street and Union Turnpike. The lunch and admission fee will be your responsibility. Note the change in date. For further information, call Ruth Kaplan at 718-343-9029.
On November 4 we will be hosting a brunch for our new members. Call Ilane Lebensohn for information at 516-466-8623.
Save December 15 for a wonderful trip to the Jewish Museum. Our regular programs, book club, current events, Yiddish Club, Hebrew class, Women in the Bible, and knitting group will continue to meet. Call Sylvia Fassler for further information at 516-487-4263.