
Media must do better reporting on education

Instead, people get their information from misinformed reporters and outrageous commercials that have aired as part of the mayor’s re-election campaign. What is not seen by the public is the fact that test scores have increased yearly — not because of any innovations of the mayor or city Schools Chancellor Joel Klein, but because the tests have been made easier.

In addition, there has been such an emphasis placed on these tests that many teachers are forced to do little else in the course of a year than prepare their students for “the test.” Ask any teacher and you will discover that teaching to the test does not properly serve our children. Furthermore, let us not forget statistics can be manipulated to say anything the mayor wants them to say.

There are many other claims by the mayor that should be investigated and accurately reported on regarding our schools, including school safety; budget cuts, which are never seen in print; etc.

Richard Schaffer

Glen Oaks