If there is anyone in the state Senate who is deserving of re-election, it is my senator, Shirley Huntley (D-Jamaica). After twisting her arm, along with other stringent items of persuasion, several friends convinced her to run for Senate. I consider myself one of those friends. And am I glad we did.
I have known the senator from her many years of service to the community as leader of the school board, when we had them, in District 28. Doing the many things for the district I saw her do, she was outstanding. I saw her stand and tell the then-superintendent that an item being discussed was hers and going to be done her way. And it was.
She was and is conceited about the education of our children. How I wish for the return of the school boards. In her position as co-chair of the Senate Select Committee on New York City School Governance, she voiced her opinion on why mayoral control in the city was not best for students. I testified before her committee and agreed 100 percent with her.
On gay marriage, my senator voted against it and again I agree with her. The Bible says marriage should be between a man and a woman who can carry out the dictate of God that they be fruitful and multiply. Two same-sex individuals cannot do that. As a nation supposedly established on Judeo-Christian belief, she did the right thing. For those whose lifestyle does not permit them to practice obeying the Word, we still love them but detest their sins.
For my senator to be perturbed about a primary is a concern of mine. For the lone individual who has been drafted and will be well-funded to challenge her in the primary, you must consider the honesty of that person. Her well-funded opponent is an individual who has not been truthful in his campaign literature.
To have my name and the name of other well-respected clerics in his literature as endorsing him is far from the truth. To start a campaign on prevarication is doomed to fail. And he will, no matter how much money will be spent to bring her down. Anything based on lies and innuendoes will come to naught.
Only starting her fourth year representing the 10th Senate District, this dynamo has gained favor. If she has brought home the bacon to her community — and she has — how much more pork can we eat with her serving as deputy majority leader for Senate and federal relations?
It does not appear what she can do and that is why she needs another term to bring to fruition the hopes and blessings of a people who, because of the minority status of Democrats in the Senate for more than 40 years, were denied many needed resources. Now let her be the early bird.
Primary time is coming and I know the 75 clergy member organizations and 250,000 members whom we speak to every Sunday will see the need for letting go and let God abide in the necessitated re-election of a person who is and has not been afraid to speak the truth to power.
Let the games begin. She will be ready for the task and so will we.
Rev. Dr. Charles L. Norris
Pastor Emeritus
Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church