
Dishing with Dee: Gov. Jeb Bush gives keynote at state GOP’s convention

Dishing with Dee: Gov. Jeb Bush gives keynote at state GOP’s convention
By Dee Richard

Another busy week. The GOP convention was held in the New York Sheraton for three days. It was a most informative convention as well as one of great fun. It was good seeing many old friends from all over the state. It provided a chance to get up close and personal with a number of the candidates, many of whom were not only interesting but appeared to be highly capable as well.

The Queens GOP was the subject of some insider’s humor. As one wag said, “They [the Queens GOP] were acting like a girl that had a heavy Saturday night date and couldn’t quite decide what to wear. She tried every outfit in her closet and still couldn’t decide.”

Someone else said upstate businessman Carl Paladino should have sued the Queens GOP for discrimination since he was the only gubernatorial candidate it did not approach to endorse and subsequently unendorse.

Queens’ first choice was Rick Lazio. Did you ever notice when you do not listen to your inner voice and second guess yourself it’s inevitably the wrong choice? The case in point is that it should have stuck with Lazio — its first and best choice. Where does it go from here?

We spent the entire day Tuesday at the convention. The only exception was when Peter Zucarello, Dennis Ring, John Watch and I took time off from our conventioneering to enjoy a luncheon at Rosie O’Grady’s across the street from the hotel. What did we talk about? Why, the convention and the candidates, of course, what else? It was back to the hotel for the rest of the afternoon.

On Tuesday evening we were invited to the Water Club to attend the farewell Fleet Week dinner, as the entire fleet was leaving New York early Wednesday morning. I am rather jaded and not easily impressed, but their keynote speaker was Rear Adm. Michelle Howard.

It is difficult for a man to achieve the status of rear admiral. Can you imagine how much more difficult it is for a woman? She was an eloquent speaker who blew everyone away. She is a fantastic woman who exuded professionalism, competency and charm as she addressed the group. Afterward, I was able to speak with her and found her to be a down-to-earth, regular person, not the least bit full of herself or impressed with her title.

In March 1999 she became the first black woman to command a ship in the U.S. Navy. Formerly she was the deputy director of the Expeditionary Warfare Division and now serves as the senior military assistant to the secretary of the Navy. Congratulations on your achievements, Rear Admiral Howard, and thanks for moving up women’s status.

The sponsor of the farewell dinner was the American Legion Post, formerly known as the Downtown Athletic Club Post. Since the building was where its post was destroyed during 9/11, it received official notification at the dinner that the new name of the post has been changed to the 911 Memorial Post and from now on would be located on the Intrepid.

Robert Greenberg of the Prospective Real Estate Media Group presented the post with a $3,000 check to help defray the cost of some current projects. The Rev. John Sheehan, who has a beautiful voice, sang our national anthem during the ceremony. The head honcho of the American Legion, Sean Powers, was the master of ceremonies. His Irish sense of humor made him the perfect choice. What a lovely evening with beautiful views of the New York and New Jersey skyline.

On Wednesday we attended the big GOP 2010 New York Republican State Dinner. The guest speakers were Edward Cox, chairman of the Republican Party of New York State; Monica Crowley, a conservative commentator; U.S. Rep. Peter King; state Sen. Dean Skelos; and state Assemblyman Brian Kolb.

The keynote address was given by former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida. Bush should have been president. When he spoke, he sounded superior to his brother and father, but then again the possibility exists that he could eventually wind up as one of our presidents. The invocation was delivered by the Rev. Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, and the benediction was delivered by Rabbi Shlomo Koenig, deputy mayor of the Village of Kaser.

That’s it for this week.

I look forward to hearing from you with information on people, parties and politics or gossip.

I like receiving your voice mails at 718-767-6484, faxes at 718-746-0066 and e-mails at deerrichard@aol.com.

Don’t forget to check out the Focus on Queens page.

Till next week, Dee.