
Law fills a need

It is time to clear up some facts about Arizona’s new law, which allows police to inquire about a person’s immigration status if they were first stopped for an unrelated offense.

The only thing the law gives the police is the right to protect the citizens of Arizona from the onslaught of illegal immigration.

Arizona’s new law is not racist – it is necessary.

Arizona is under siege from illegal immigration. Illegal immigration costs the state of Arizona billions of dollars from providing social services to illegal immigrants, healthcare; free schooling to illegal immigrants’ kids and other services. Not to mention the fact that drug cartels and criminals who entered America illegally are terrorizing the border towns.

Crime is rampant at the border and spreading to the interior of Arizona. Phoenix, Arizona is the kidnapping capital of America. That is why the people of Arizona support SB 1070. Not because they are racist, but because they are desperate.

Tim Freeman

Richmond Hill