
Personalized plates for historical cars

The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) announced recently that personalized license plates will now be available for historical vehicles.

The criteria for a vehicle being labeled historical includes: it must be 25 years old or contain rare characteristics to be considered historical or classic according to DMV Commissioner David J. Swarts.

There are over 30,000 historical vehicles registered in the State of New York including almost 300 motorcycles.

Standard historical plates are issued with the letters “HX” at the beginning or ending of the plate and “HM” for motorcycles while the bottom of the plate includes the word “HISTORICAL.”

The personalized historical plates will feature a gold background with blue lettering. Each plate holds up to eight characters for a car or truck and up to six for a motorcycle. The bottom of the plate will still contain the word “HISTORICAL.”

The price for a registered standard historical plate in the owner’s name is $28.75 for cars and trucks while it cost $23.75 for motorcycles. The new personalized plates will cost $60 for cars and trucks and $42.50 for motorcycles. The prices are per one year of registration.

You can order your historical plate in person at any DMV office or by mail through the DMV Custom Plate Unit in Albany. Additional information is available on the DMV web site or by calling 518-402-4838.

For more information visit https://www.nydmv.state.ny.us/cpl8faqs.htm#Historical.