
Check box on tax return – help volunteers

Assemblymember Audrey I. Pheffer is pleased to report that New Yorkers now have the opportunity to help support our volunteer firefighters and emergency service workers through a voluntary contribution on their 2010 New York State income tax returns.

“In the 23rd Assembly District, we have the highest number of volunteer firefighters and emergency service departments anywhere in New York State. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to contribute to these organizations that are so vital to our safety and well-being,” said Pheffer.

Legislation sponsored by Assemblywoman Pheffer was enacted in 2009 to establish the Volunteer Firefighting and Volunteer Emergency Services Recruitment and Retention Fund, and to provide a tax check-off on state income tax forms whereby gifts to the fund can be made.

“The Volunteer Firefighting and Volunteer Emergency Services Recruitment and Retention Fund will help to recruit and retain the brave men and women who so selflessly staff our volunteer fire and volunteer EMS departments,” said Pheffer.

For more information on the tax check-off, visit www.nystax.gov