
Lions Honor Nursing Home In Woodside

Members of the Sunnyside-Woodside Lions Club visited the Queens Boulevard Extended Care Facility in Woodside last Monday, May 14, to honor the work of its staff at the start of National Nursing Home Week. As shown in the left photo, Lions Club Treasurer Anne Walsh presented a check to Anthony Matesse, theraputic director, to pay for a performing act to entertain the patients at the facility. Teacher Natalie DiPietro from P.S. 229 in Woodside, shown in the right photo with Matesse, also brought a group of students who entertained patients with original poems as well as a performance of song and dance numbers. Other Lions Club members on hand, but not pictured, were Secretary Sandra Bigitschke, Director Joan Gasparro, Frances Kraemer, Maura Wilson and George Custance.