
People suffer while Big Oil prospers

In the May 3-9 edition of the Bayside Times, there was a letter from Joanna Livingstone relating to the March 29 vote to block legislation which would strip billions of dollars in tax breaks for the biggest U.S. oil companies (“Big oil does not deserve more money from government.”).

It was blocked by all Republican U.S. senators except Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). All Democrats voted to stop the tax breaks. This repeated behavior is hardly shocking. Livingstone stated the obvious: Anyone not duped or downright disingenuous must be blind to these repeated facts.

As she put it, “Republicans represent their benefactors, such as big oil, the mega wealthy and corporations (‘Supreme Court people’), while the Democrats represent the American People (‘real people’).”

It will be interesting to see how Keystone XL will be painted as a benefit to the American when it in fact is just one more giveaway to big oil. In fact, Keystone is nothing but a risky viaduct to bring dirty “sands” oil from Alberta, Canada, to Port Arthur, Texas, where it is refined, sold and shipped tax-free overseas.

Americans get no relief at the pimp but get the inevitable oil spills across our country while Big Oil reaps additional record profits and is still being subsidized by the American taxpayers.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Nicholas Zizelis
