
Cable Guy Made Net Death Threat

May Be Jailed For Drunken Rant

An employee of Time Warner Cable in Flushing has been charged with making terroristic threats after posting messages on his Facebook page last week in which he threatened to kill his supervisor and co-workers, it was announced.

Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown identified the defendant as Jason A. Steward, 29, of Montgomery Avenue, in the Bronx, who is employed by Time Warner Cable at their office at 41-61 Kissena Blvd. He was charged with making a terroristic threat and second-degree aggravated harassment. If convicted, he faces up to seven years in prison.

“If an individual posts a threat on a social networking site it will be treated seriously and investigated promptly to ensure that the verbal threat does not escalate into physical aggression or violence,” Brown said in a statement. “Workplace violence is a serious issue and all threats or indications of potential violence will be dealt with appropriately by my office.”