
LGA NYCAR challenges Port concerns over LGA growth

LGA NYCAR challenges Port concerns over LGA growth

The New York Community Aviation Roundtable (NYCAR) is a voluntary working-group comprised of stakeholders affected by JFK and LaGuardia Airports operations. The main purpose of the NYCAR was initially established for a place for the community to address aircraft noise but has expanded to include many airport/resident issues between the LGA Airport and residential communities.

The recent LGA Committee on December 5th, was held in Bayside chaired by Warren Schreiber of Community Board 7 with facilitation by Bill Huisman and attended by Stacey Gilbert of the Port Authority. Of particular interest was the recent visit by Governor Cuomo to President Trump and discussion of infrastructure. During their conversation the topic of the length of the LGA runway came up and immediately rose the hackles of opponents of potential new runway construction. But according to a transcript of the meeting this was a concept riddled with environmental hurdles and public outcry that it was deemed unfeasible, More realistic and concerning items on the on the agenda were: a letter to the Port regarding the Perimeter Rule, recent passing of the 2018 FAA Reauthorization Bill, TRACON flight patterns, overuse use of TNNIS, and helicopter routing

One FAA representative commented on the Reauthorization bill which states that an ombudsman would be selected for this Eastern Region. He said that the process is underway vetting applications beginning in the mid first quarter of 2019. He also noted in response to noise concerns that noise metrics are under review and will be shared with the committee.

During the meeting, Committee member Maria Becce performed a sound test. She played back taking off aircraft noises from her back yard during part of the presentation to see how loud noises would affect a meeting like this. One of the FAA people who listened to the demonstration while speaking said they he and his associates were there to listen to these concerns and hopefully continue the trend to provide some noise relief.

Nick Gregoriades from the Port Authority spoke here, and the next at the day’s JFK Committee meeting, giving his report on the state of the NYCAR website which the Port maintains. Currently the site has basic information about the organization and missions but going forward this site will contain agendas and meetings reports. He asked that the committee provide as much information to him to share on the Port NYCAR website which is www.panynj.gov/airports/noise-community-roundtables-ny-airports.html

One attendee, Peter Rutledge raised the question about the growth of LGA and seemingly foregone conclusion that more, bigger and noisier jets would occupy the additional gates. According a Port spokesperson, this is not true especially since the new jets can carry more people and are quieter that older aircraft.

Another attendee asked if The Perimeter Rule, which limits the range of aircraft traveling from LGA, would still be valid. He expressed concern that with the overall expansion this rule would be rescinded. According to Stacey Gilbert this is not on any Port Agenda to change.

Concluding the meeting a discussion was held concerning the lack of a quorum and the ways in which members could be encouraged to attend instead of a punitive action against a particular member organization for non-attendance.

The next meeting announcement will be sent to committee members and to those who have subscribed to notifications on the Port Authority website.