
Jackson Heights resident wants you to know that you park like an a**hole

i park like an asshole
Image via Queens Qustodian Etsy

A Jackson Heights resident made headlines Tuesday with his latest street vigilante initiative aimed at inconsiderate drivers.

Activist and food blogger Jeff Orlick, who also calls himself the Queens Qustodian, decided to publicly call out drivers who park in handicapped spaces, next to fire hydrants or on bike lanes – in other words, who “park like a**holes.”

Orlick is has printed and is selling on Etsy stickers that say “I park like an ASSHOLE.” “These stickers are meant to be a [vigilante] way of taking back control of your neighborhood,” the product description reads.

“You see these things every day that are wrong and people could pass by or take a picture and put it on Instagram or you can do something and make a difference,” Orlick said to the New York Post.

Orlick himself has used the stickers on less than 10 cars. “I want to be absolutely sure that these guys are a-holes before I put a sticker on their car,” he explained.

In the product description on Etsy, he encourages people to use the stickers sparsely and responsibly. He recommends that users slap them on bumper of a vehicle, rather than on the paint, which may damage the car.

The stickers are available to be purchased in stacks of 5 for $15, or individually.