
From Bankruptcy To Big Buck$

Juan Rodriguez has had a reversal of fortune literally.
The lucky 49-year-old from Richmond Hill had just declared bankruptcy when he bought the winning lotto ticket that won him $149 million in the Mega Millions lottery jackpot, the largest in state history, according to lottery officials.
Mired in $44,000 of debt, he celebrated his big win with 15 friends and family members at Tequila Sunrise Restaurant on Sunday.
Owner Joe Perez said of the celebratory dinner, "He had a whole bunch of people and they partied, just like you would do if you won. They had a good time."
With the odds of winning 1 in 135 million, Rodriguez has opted for one lump-sum payment, which means he will receive nearly $60 million after taxes are withdrawn.
Previous to his lucky day, Rodriguez had been earning between $10 and $12 per hour while working double shifts at an East Side parking garage. His annual salary of $28,000 was hardly enough, as he paid $1,300 a month in rent and $90 a month for cable TV. Rodriguezs financial difficulties had led to marital problems as well, as he and his wife of 17 years, Iris, had been living separately. Just days before the fortuitous purchase, the pair had reconciled and Rodriguez had moved back into the couples apartment, which they share with their 18-year-old pregnant daughter, Katty.
It seems that good luck runs in his family, as Rodriguezs father won the lottery in Colombia 40 years ago in the amount of $500,000. His brother also won twice, as well as his sister, Rosalba Herrera.
According to Rodriguez, some of his winnings will go toward the care of his ailing 90-year-old mother in Colombia.
But for now, he is enjoying his new-found wealth with his wife, who, according to reports, wants to visit Orlando in celebration.