
Make Thanksgiving really count

Do you want gravy with that?
People are already searching for their comfy pants in anticipation of getting their feast-on on Thanksgiving Day. Everyone is looking forward to a never-ending buffet of food, having the week off from school, and scoping out their wish list for the upcoming holidays (I know I am!)
But what about the true meaning of the holiday?
If you are drawing a blank when you ask yourself this, it might be time to think about some charities and everyday things you can do to help other people. Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our own hectic lives that we forget about the others around us and we forget our manners.
Simple courtesies, like holding the door open, smiling and waving hello, listening when someone has had a bad day, can really make a difference. It shows people that you care, and their time is as important as your time. Another approach to giving is through volunteering or charity work. Find charitable organizations in your area and set aside time - at least once a month - to go and volunteer.
You could also put aside some of your allowance each month to go towards a specific charity. Every little bit adds up. And while you are busy giving, do not forget to thank.
Thank your parents for making you a delicious Thanksgiving meal and for being your personal chefs, chauffeurs, bankers, secretaries, tutors, and therapists, all free of charge.
Thank your brothers and sisters for putting up with you. Thank your friends for always being there for you.
Moreover, don't forget to be thankful for the turkey, who gave up gobbling to serve as the main course of your holiday meal. Borrowing the wisdom of President John F. Kennedy, &#8220Ask not what others can do for you, ask what you can do for others!”