Local politicians recently lauded St. John’s University for their efforts to reduce underage drinking through the “Sober 24-7 Project.”
On Thursday, February 15, Assemblymember Rory Lancman and Councilmember James Gennaro gave the school City and State citations for the campaign.
“Underage and binge drinking are serious problems on too many college campuses, impacting students and the community alike, and the 24/7 program created by St. John’s is an innovative, powerful effort to encourage responsible behavior,” Lancman said. “The students, faculty and administration who put this project together have done a tremendous service to our community.”
Using the slogan “Sober 24/7,” a team of seven professors and assistant professors, 57 students, and Dr. Kathryn Hutchinson, the Director of St. John’s Department of Student Wellness, produced a Public Service Announcement (PSA), print ads, radio commercials, T-shirts and a website, all aimed at making young people look at the alternatives to drinking. The posters, emblazoned with students daydreaming of sports and music, read, “Drinking … is not my thing.”
St. John’s submitted the campaign materials, which also included posters, mouse pads, and lip balm, to a statewide contest sponsored by the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS).
For more information on the Sober 24/7 campaign, visit https://www.sober24-7.com.