
Ping pong in the Park

Queens residents volleyed for serve last weekend in Astoria Park.
Triple R Events: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle presented Astoria Park visitors with free ping pong on August 21 between 1 and 6:30 p.m. during the Astoria Park Shore Fest, which was organized by the Astoria Park Alliance and Green Shores NYC.
The ping pong tables were constructed by Build It Green! NYC, a building materials salvage warehouse in Astoria. This is the third year that Triple R and Build It Green! NYC have joined efforts during the event.
Despite ending two hours early due to rain, over 120 people participated in Ping Pong in the Park. Most matches lasted roughly 20 minutes and often pitted strangers against one another, providing players with an entertaining way to meet new people.
“We organize green events that are fun and educational, not boring and preachy,” said Lynne Serpe, co-founder of Triple R and a longtime Astoria resident. “Our mission is to make green living fun, easy and affordable by highlighting the green resources that exist in our local Western Queens neighborhood. Ping pong is one of those activities that people of all ages can enjoy, whether they are picking up a paddle for the first time ever or for the first time in 20 years.”