
‘We think that they’re responsible’: Board 5 in favor of nonprofit’s Glendale supportive housing plan

A variance for a supportive housing development in Glendale received a nod of approval from Community Board 5 for a variance after information received at a land use hearing swayed committee members.

WellLife Network, a UG 3 nonprofit, hopes to demolish an abandoned building at 80-97 Cypress Ave. to build 66 units of mix affordable housing, supportive living for individuals and families at risk as well as accommodating the homeless, which Zoning and Land Use Review Committee Chair Walter Sanchez said would benefit the community.

The motion passed with an almost unanimous advisory vote at the CB5’s Dec. 12 meeting and the Board of Standards and Appeals will make the final decision on the variance.

“We felt it was serving a good purpose. We’re in favor of this facility — of this application from WellLife — we think that they’re responsible,” Sanchez said. “We believe this facility’s 66 units are a part of our community board’s commitment to doing its part for homelessness or at-risk of homelessness population in the city of New York.”

The application requests the right to build six stories with 20 units reserved for homeless or at-risk individuals, young adults or families with children where one adult member of the family has either a mental or physical disability.

Another 20 units will be set aside for seniors who are at risk of being homeless and have disabilities while the remaining 26 apartments will be for low-income residents who are eligible for affordable housing through a lottery.

The city Department of Buildings website shows the structure will rise 57 feet and feature a community room, a lounge in the cellar and a 19-space parking lot.

Gary Giordano, the Board 5 district manager, told QNS in November that WellLife’s hopes of building a facility at the site go back to 2000 when they attempted to create a center for 18 psychiatric patients.

The mixed population housing model is more feasible, according to Giordano.