
To The Point: Holidays: Perfect time for family to get close

By Sabina Cardali

GOBBLE-GOOD TURKEY CASSEROLE: 1 can cream of mushroom soup, 1 can cream of celery soup, 1 package onion soup mix, 1 cup rice, 1 cup milk, 2 or 3 cups left.-over turkey. Combine all ingredients in a large casserole dish. Bake covered 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

Condolences to the family of Ann Gunther and especially to her daughter Maryann.

Condolences to Bernadette Farrington on the death of her father.

Again a huge thanks to Laraine Memola, a former Radio City Music Hall Rockette, who brought some of the residents from the Hillside Manor Extended Care Center to again see the spectacular Christmas Show at the music hall. When asked how they liked the show, resident Theodora Neiman, a former professional ballet dancer, said “I've never seen anything like it.”

Belated Happy Birthday to Ann (Waters) Kelly from her husband.

Congratulations to Michele and Martin on the birth of their Veterans' Day baby Alysa Marie, who weighed in at 8 pounds, 14 ounces and 21 inches long. Alysa is the sister of Emily and the granddaughter of Mary Ann Graham. She was born on Dad's birthday.

Steve Benjamin from Optometrics is collecting Toys for Tots to be picked up by the Marine Corps for needy children this holiday season. Drop your donation at the store in the Whitepoint Shopping Center on 132nd Street by Friday, Dec. 15.

Remember, the 109th Precinct Community Council holds its holiday celebration party on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m. at the Reception House, 167-17 Northern Blvd. in Flushing. Call 321-2250.

This is important enough to repeat: the Police Department has recently become involved in the NYC HealthStat Program This program provides health and nutrition care for children, teens and pregnant women of financially qualified families. The 109 is now a point of contact for this program. They will provide information and applications for anyone interested..

Get-well wishes continue to Dr. Glasser, Mark Von Wieding and Jean Solowiei, Dr. Vincent Lodico, Denise Bennett and Ray Eder..

You will be experiencing the first real live Nativity in College Point. On Saturday, December 16. Luncheon will take place with Santa from 12-1:30 p.m.. Santa will have presents for the children. Nativity from 2:30-4 p.m. Tickets are $5 and are available at St. Paul's'. For further information call St. Paul's, 762-4100.

During holiday time as a start, spend one-on-one time with your children. This way parents and children can openly share their feelings and ask questions without fearing what others in the family might think. Meeting with each child regularly, even if only for a few minutes, to discuss their goals and concerns can open the door to quite valuable teaching opportunities. Build relations of love and trust.

Children grow to respect parents who are honest with them and they grow to distrust those who are not. By teaching and consistently living true principles, parents can help their children develop spiritual and moral values. Among the most important of these principles is a parent's willingness to apologize.

Children appreciate it when parents admit they have made mistakes and they learn that everyone makes mistakes and everyone can change. Think first. Although family disagreements are normal, the emotions of a difficult moment can cause family members to say things they later regret. Taking time out to think through an issue before reacting and considering the effect your words will have on other family members, and provide a calming moment to find alternative ways to express one's feelings.

SABINA SAYS: Make your home a haven from the trials and conflicts of the outside world – a place of acceptance and strength. Families should strive to create a peaceful climate in their home by quickly resolving differences, keeping bickering to a minimum and showing appreciation to their family members.