By Charles Hack
It was honors night for 33 chapter leaders of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) at the Community Education Council District 20 – Region 7 at P.S. 179 on May 10. Stressing the need for greater respect for teachers and for smaller classrooms, Carlo A. Scissura, the District Education Council leader, announced the honors list. One by one the honorees came up to accept their certificates and flowers and a few made short speeches. “I happy to see recognition for once, the good we do and the hard work,” said Elizabeth Perez, chapter leader for P.S. 160. “There are a few bad seeds, but I don’t see why the majority have to pay.” Another teacher said that this was the first time in a quarter of century that teachers had been honored by the local education committee or board. “My hope and wish is that all of the City of New York would emulate District 20,” said Marilyn Schiff, chapter leader for P.S. 192. “I have been the chapter leader for 25 years, Schiff said. “I have never seen the community school board recognize the teachers in this manner. We want this honor and we need this honor.” The following chapter leaders were honored: Adrian Lyss, I.S. 30; Bea Desapio, I.S. 62; William Nicoll I.S. 187; Theresa Buono, I.S. 201; Gloria Greenhut, I.S. 220; Rosemarie Corvino, I.S. 223; Jennifer Baumel, I.S. 227; Geofrey Sorkin, I.S. 259; Doreen Crinigan, P.S. 48; Ellen H. Driesen, P.S. 69; Amelia Cross, P.S. 102; Robert Adler, P.S. 104; Dolores Berrafato, P.S. 105; Margaret Marascia, P.S. 112; Sheila Saloff, P.S. 127; Elizabeth Perez, P.S. 160. Also honored were: Barbara Ann Cipriano, P.S. 163; Patricia McGloin, P.S. 164; Cynthia Aweeky, P.S. 170; Dianne Gounardes, P.S. 170; Barnara Lauretano, P.S. 176; Laura Calamuci, P.S. 179; Lynette Azar, P.S. 180; Dolores Lozupone, P.S. 185; Joan Birnbach, P.S. 186; Marilyn Schiff, P.S. 192, Sheila Fishbane, P.S. 200; Michele Ferraro, P.S. 204; Mary Mondiello, P.S. 205; Robert Zappulla, P.S. 229; Sue Meyerson, P.S. 247; Rosean Pritting, P.S. 314 and Lorraine Cogliando P.S. 314.