
Pack your Go Bag - be ready

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has kicked off National Preparedness Month in New York City with OEM staff and volunteers distributing more than 100,000 copies of the pocket-sized Ready New York guide and other preparedness literature at sites throughout the five boroughs.
&#8220As the fifth anniversary of September 11th approaches, New Yorkers need to be more vigilant than ever about preparing for all types of emergencies,” OEM Commissioner Joseph F. Bruno said. &#8220New Yorkers face a number of hazards, including hurricanes. By taking the time to develop a disaster plan, assemble an emergency supply kit and put together a Go Bag, residents will be better prepared when disaster strikes.” 
National Preparedness Month, held each September, is a nationwide effort co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the American Red Cross to encourage individuals to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses, and schools.  
Ready New York, the brochure offered by OEM, has tips for residents to develop a household disaster plan. It advises residents to decide on a safe place where the household will meet after a disaster, to know and practice exit routes, to designate an out-of-state contact that household members can call if separated during a disaster and to ensure everyone in your home has a copy of the household disaster plan.
The brochure also has a checklist to assist you in developing an emergency supply kit. Some items included on the list are a gallon of drinking water for each person per day, a whistle, batteries, radio, flashlight, non-perishable food and a phone that does not rely on electricity.
Ready New York also urges residents to put together a Go Bag which is an assortment of items you may need if you suddenly had to evacuate. For instance, it should include copies of important documents in waterproof and portable containers, an extra set of car and house keys, credit and ATM cards and cash. Also included in the brochure is an emergency reference card for residents to record all their personal information as well as their household disaster plan.
For more information about Ready New York and National Preparedness Month in New York, call 3-1-1 or visit OEM's website at NYC.gov/oem.