
How to live a longer life

While longevity is a genetic factor, fully 70% of how long you’ll live is determined by choice and is focused around lifestyle issues. Like so much in life, you are in control of your destiny.
The sources of these numbers are Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s book Chasing Life, Dr. Thomas Perls’ Livingto100.com longevity calculator and Health.com.
Here are some ways to add 30 or more years to your life:
5 years by eating power foods
One word: antioxidants. Great news here! Eat a handful of dark chocolate and almonds everyday…healthy and almost sinful. Have several servings of fruit, especially blueberries; vegetables, especially broccoli; garlic; and a glass of wine, preferably red. Cheers.

5 years by not smoking
If you smoke, take a look in the mirror: your teeth turn yellow, you get wrinkles, and your skin looks like an alligator purse. Your voice gets raspy, you get winded easily and you cough, cough, cough. Just in case you haven’t heard: smoking gives you lung cancer.

4 years by skipping the fast food
Walk, no, run past every fast food restaurant. If you decrease fat and cholesterol, you’ll stay heart healthy.

3 years by getting yourself moving
Run for 30 minutes, five days a week and you can live up to four years longer. Walk and you’ll add three years.

3 years by losing the fat
You will look and feel better and be healthier if you lose weight. Being overweight increases your risk of death by 20 to 40%.

3 years by eating salmon twice a week
Wild salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines are fatty fishes containing omega 3 fatty acids. Eating them lowers your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, but also they help control triglyceride levels.

3 years by getting married
According to studies, married people are happier and healthier. Why? They take care of each other. Most men see a doctor because their wives make the appointment and insist they go.

3 years by having sex
Make love two to three times a week. It helps you live longer by cutting your risk for heart disease and stroke by 50%. How? Intercourse burns about 200 calories, which is the same as running for 30 minutes. Also, the release of wonderful brain chemicals (endorphins) helps us feel soooo good.

1 year by flossing daily
Research has shown that gum inflammation is linked to heart disease. Keep your gums healthy and your heart may be healthier as well.

Intangibles? Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins University researchers say spiritual people can handle the ups and downs of life more successfully. Less stress equals a longer life. Also, Reuters reported that studies indicate people with a strong religious faith or an optimistic personality live longer.
Dr. Luciano Bernardi of the University of Pavia in Italy told Reuters: “The rosary might be viewed as a health practice as well as a religious practice.” In double blind studies those saying the rosary demonstrated favorable effects on respiratory and cardio-vascular function such as lowering heart rate similar to those using meditation.
Additionally, studies show that those who have pets have lower blood pressure, visit the doctor less frequently, heal faster after surgery, are more resilient psychologically, have longer survival rates after a heart attack, have reduction of stress and anxiety, etc. People who own pets have lower cholesterol and triglyceride counts, as well.
“We have known for many years that the company of a pet can be of benefit in a variety of ways, but exactly why this is, no one seems to have the answer,” admitted Dr. Bonnie Beaver, a specialist in animal behavior and human-animal relationships at Texas A & M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
Adopting a pet at your local shelter will improve your health. It will extend your life and that of a homeless critter. It’s a classic win-win.
As always, we all have many more choices than we think.

Irene A. Masiello is a certified holistic/CORE counselor, adult educator and stress management consultant specializing in creative challenge resolution. She put her philosophy into practice as the author of Paradise Costs and creator of innovative reality writing to STOP ELDER ABUSE NOW. Participate with jury verdicts included in her book and by urging both Houses of Congress to enact the Elder Justice Act 2007 now.