
Star of Queens: Patricia Anton

Patricia Anton
Director of the Faith Formation
Program at Our Lady of Fatima Church
Jackson Heights

COMMUNITY: Since 2004, Patricia Anton has been the director of the Faith Formation Program at Our Lady of Fatima Church in Jackson Heights. In plain words, she’s in charge of Sunday school classes at Fatima.
“My job here isn’t just to type letters. If that were the case, than anyone could do it,” Anton says.
It goes far beyond that. She says obviously teaching the religion and its elements is important, but “it’s not to just go to church, but to be part of the parish.”
Since 2005, she has been a member of the Parish Pastoral Council. It’s comprised of 15 people and meets monthly to discuss ways to get the church more involved with the community, whether it be holding the annual holiday food-drive to planning a meeting with other parish members.
Anton found out herself that the latter was deeply needed after talking to various mothers through the Faith Formation Program.
When seeing that a child would be slipping up in the program, she would call that child’s parents to try and find a resolution.
What was initially an issue centered around the child, soon turned into mothers expressing their problems and concerns to Anton.
For two years Anton had been talking to these mothers in a support group, but lately choosing a specific day during the week has turned troublesome due to the fact that “I have to work around the parent’s schedule,” Anton says.

PERSONAL: Anton is the proud mother of her 12-year old daughter, Tiffany. She’s originally from Peru, having come to New York in the 90s.

PROUD MOMENT: One moment Anton always appreciates is when the school year ends. Not because school is out and summer is here, but because of the impact the program has had on both children and parents alike.
“In the end, they realize how they are now a better member of the church,” Anton says.

FAVORITE MEMORY: “It touches my heart,” Anton says when she sees an altar server finish with their training and being finally installed into church.
Another memorable moment had to do with her daughter. Anton says her face was “covered in tears,” of happiness, when Tiffany received her first communion.

Challenge: Dealing with teens in the program is quite difficult, Anton says. Through her time with the program, she’s realized that it’s different to get pre-teens and teens alike to be interested in the program without it making seem “boring.”
One key thing for her is to have them not forget the church and their parish when they’re done with the program.
“When they do realize it, the challenge is over,” Anton states.

INSPIRATION: Ever since her days in Peru, Anton wanted to become a teacher. She enjoys working with kids, making it a huge motivator in her life.
Not only does she fulfill a life long dream week in and week out, but through time the program has helped with the relationship between her and Tiffany.
It has helped her relate and understand Tiffany better as she’s matured over the last couple of years, Anton states.