Seven Queens residents representing two groups made up this year’s graduating class at the PartnershipsAcademy – a free program offered by the City Parks Foundation and City Department of Parks & Recreation.
Members from the TwoCovesCommunityGarden in Astoria and Transportation Alternatives Queens Committee graduated the yearlong training program that provides skills, materials and contacts to volunteers focusing on a variety of topics ranging from fundraising to street care and beautification.
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“With so many dedicated volunteers graduating this year, PartnershipsAcademy is ensuring our parks thrive in a variety of ways,” said David Rivel, Executive Director of City Parks Foundation. “The Academy is a natural extension of what we’ve been doing through Partnerships for Parks since 1995, seeking to build, strengthen, and sustain community involvement in parks and neighborhoods across New York City.”
The Transportation Alternatives Queens Committee is made up Queens residents who volunteer their time to bring the vision of pedestrian and cyclist friendly streets to the borough. The committee, which was founded in 2007, advocates improving bicycling, walking and public transit conditions in Queens.
“PartnershipsAcademy provided us with great advice on how to organize our volunteers, and how to set real standards for achieving our goals,” said Eddie Hernandez, Chair of Transportation Alternatives Queens Committee. “They provided us with valuable insider knowledge on how city government really works, how to partner with elected officials, how to market our message, and how to obtain grants. It has made our group much stronger and smarter.”
In addition, all graduates are eligible for participation in a grant program funded by City Parks Foundation.
“PartnershipsAcademy empowers New Yorkers across the city who help to build an active, supportive community around their park,” said Parks & Recreation Commissioner Adrian Benepe. “We are proud to work with City Parks Foundation to sponsor programs that strengthen our communities by fostering civic engagement.”
The fourth class of PartnershipsAcademy will begin in August of 2009.Applications and guidelines for the program are available at or by calling Joe Salvatore at 212-676-6054.All applications are due by April 30. <br>