
GOP voters should not back mayor

A lifelong Democrat before seeking elective office, Mayor Michael Bloomberg switched his registration in 2001 and ran for mayor as a Republican, winning the election that year and a second term in 2005. He was frequently mentioned as a possible independent candidate for the 2008 presidential election and fueled that speculation when he left the Republican Party in June 2007 to become an independent.

Fast forward to 2009. The five borough GOP chairmen are wrong to endorse Bloomberg for re−election. This decision should encourage disaffected Republican voters to embrace the state Conservative Party candidate or not vote at all if there is no alternative or choice for principled voters.

Bloomberg on the GOP line has been cheapened. Principled Republicans know the difference between loyalty and perfidy.

The mayor has not promoted the GOP or made any real efforts to build it up. He has continually rented and used the Republican label temporarily in order to promote self−interests. I think he will leave the party again should he get re−elected.

Furthermore, besides already shoring up the Republican Party and Independence Party lines, he is trying to court the left−leaning, union−backed Working Families Party to endorse his re−election.

There should have been a Republican Party primary in order for various qualified candidates to debate freely and openly. The Republican voters should have a fair, democratic choice for the general election come November. Instead, the GOP bosses have submitted to the mayor without democratic process and Republican voter input.

Citywide Republican voters with a conscience should protest this poor stewardship by the current five borough GOP chairmen by changing their party registration to the state Conservative Party.

Solomon F. Weiss
