In 1994, TimesLedger Newspapers’ publisher accepted the offer of Joan Brown Wettingfeld to write a column for the Bayside Times. For 30 years, Wettingfeld, a lifelong Bayside resident, and her father, the founder of the Bayside Historical Society, had been working to preserve the history of Bayside. It is safe to say Wettingfeld knows more about Bayside and the history of Queens than anyone. It has been our privilege to bring her column to our readers.
Earlier this year, Wettingfeld celebrated her 90th birthday. Wettingfeld was honored at a meeting of the society by state Sen. Tony Avella, Borough President Helen Marshall and City Councilman Dan Halloran.
She is a graduate of Bayside High School and studied history at Barnard College and Columbia University before studying library science at St. John’s University.
We hope she will write her column for many years.
A Compromise For Whitestone
Borough President Helen Marshall has given her support to a zoning change that will allow the White House Restaurant in Whitestone to expand. The eatery had already gotten approval for the expansion from Community Board 7. The request for the zoning change will now go to the City Council, where it is certain to be approved.
The approval by Marshall is contingent upon the restaurant’s owner agreeing to stipulations requested by the Whitestone community and state Sen. Tony Avella and Councilman Dan Halloran. They want to make certain the neighborhood stays as it is.
Franco wants to add a second story to the eatery, which will serve as a banquet hall. The stipulations, including those recommended by the Whitestone Taxpayers Association, are reasonable and sufficient to protect the surrounding residential area.
The upzoning will apply to the restaurant, but not area houses. Halloran said he and Marshall “agree that the White House property needs to be developed and we’re working with the community to make sure it gets done in a way that works for them.”
We applaud the fact that all parties are working toward a compromise everyone can live with.