
MTA Begins to Restore Limited Bus Service

As of 4:30 p.m. the MTA will begin restoring limited bus service in New York City. Full details about the routes where service will be provided will be available at mta.info.

Restoration will begin in Manhattan and the Bronx, followed by Queens and Brooklyn. Conditions in Staten Island continue to prevent restoration of service at this time. No fares will be charged for service provided today.

“Conditions vary greatly across our system, but we’re working hard to assess storm damage and will begin to restore service wherever we can do it safely, starting with limited bus service this afternoon,” said MTA Chairman and CEO Jay H. Walder. “The actions we took to protect the system have helped limit damage, but there were still storm impacts across our system and we will keep customers informed as we work to restore service across our 5,000 mile territory. I can’t say enough about the hard work of our employees first in evacuating New Yorkers and now in bringing service back.”

Full restoration of service is a lengthy process, as damage is assessed and repaired, equipment and personnel are positioned, and safety is ensured.

Customers are urged to stay tuned to mta.info as more details are made available about efforts to restore service.