
Pounded & Robbed

Say Female Muggers Struck Man In R’Wood

Three young women were picked up by police early last Friday, Mar. 23, moments after they allegedly mugged a 35-year-old man at a Ridgewood street corner, police reported.

Law enforcement sources identified the suspects as Jamaica residents Rosie Williams, 19, and Imani Walton, 18, both of 134th Avenue; and Manhattan’s Brieana Hayes, 18, of West 124th Street.

Reportedly, the trouble began at around 1:15 a.m. last Friday morning in the vicinity of Bleecker Street and Grandview Avenue.

According to police, the 35-yearold male victim had just exited an area bar and was walking home when he was approached by the three suspects.

Law enforcement sources said Williams, Hayes and Walton allegedly began punching and kicking the man about the body, then re- moved his wallet, which contained credit cards and cash.

Upon grabbing his property, authorities noted, the three fled from the scene.

Members of the 104th Precinct responded to the incident. The man suffered minor injuries.

Police initiated a search of the surrounding area, during which officers came across Williams, Hayes and Walton, who were allegedly loitering with four unidentified individuals inside Grover Cleveland Park, in the vicinity of Stanhope Street and Fairview Avenue.

Following questioning, the officers recovered from the three suspects’ possession the victim’s wallet and property.

Williams, Hayes and Walton were taken into custody and charged with robbery and assault, law enforcement sources noted. The individuals found with them inside the park were reportedly issued summonses for loitering in the park after hours.

The investigation is ongoing.