
Chamber of Commerce Celebrates 100th Installation

Photo by Mike DiBartolomeo

After a busy year of new programming initiatives, members of the Queens Chamber of Commerce gathered to introduce the 2012 slate of officers. During an installation ceremony held at Antun’s in Queens Village on April 24, the Queens District Attorney, Judge Richard Brown, swore in the Chamber’s officers and board of directors.

The 2012 slate of officers will remain the same as the previous year. Carol Conslato is the Chamber’s president, Mayra DiRico is the first vice president, Gerard Thornton is the treasurer, Louis Vlahos is the secretary, Albert F. Pennisi is the immediate past president and counsel, Charles E. Callahan III is the associate secretary, and Mary A. Vavruska is the associate treasurer. All of the officers were reinstalled for the third term at the reception.

“Since last year was our 100th anniversary, we had a lot of activity,” said Jack Friedman, executive director of the Queens Chamber of Commerce. “So the installation was an opportunity for our president to highlight the work that we’ve done.”

Chamber president Conslato addressed the crowd with a speech that focused on the accomplishments of the group over the past year, particularly the large number of high-profile events that the Chamber held with with leaders including U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios, former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, NY Federal Reserve Bank president Bill Dudley, Congressman Joseph Crowley, and Speaker Christine Quinn, among others.

In addition, Conslato spoke about new programming being offered, including business education seminars, and Borough President Helen Marshall spoke about the importance of the Chamber of Commerce for the economy and businesses of Queens

“People were really impressed by the number of major events the Chamber held during the past year,” said Friedman. “Everyone knew about our huge anniversary celebration, but I think some were surprised at the many other issues the Chamber had addressed, including manufacturing, energy and small business policies and strategies.”