
the Campaign Trail

In the weeks leading up to the Sept. 13 primaries and the Nov. 6 general election, the Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times will feature in this column press releases and statements sent by the campaigns of the candidates on the ballot.

The statements in this column do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times or its staff. Mud-slinging statements which include personal attacks on candidates are omitted.

State Sen. 15th Dist. NARAL Supports Addabbo Re-Election

NARAL Pro-Choice New York endorsed State Sen. Joseph P. Addabbo for his third term representing New York Senate’s 15th District, citing his dedication to protect women’s rights.

“On behalf of women and prochoice New Yorkers across the sate, we are proud to endorse Joseph Addabbo for State Senate,” said Andrea Miller, president of NARAL Prochoice New York. She highlighted Addabbo’s record both in the Senate and previously in the City Council. She added, “Joe has fought for every possible piece of legislation that would improve the lives of women and families in Queens and across New York.”

“I am honored to have the support of NARAL Pro-choice New York,” said Addabbo. “The protection of women’s rights is incredibly important and I am committed to making sure our laws protect women’s rights at home and in the work place.”

Addabbo has made women’s issues a priority, fighting to help families reduce childcare costs, so women can work outside of the home, increasing women’s participation in small business ownership by fighting for laws in the Senate that support Minority and Women Business Enterprises, and protecting women’s reproduction rights and access to quality healthcare.

Ulrich Picks Up Nod Of Community First

Community First, a political action committee founded by Rabbi Nachman Caller, endorsed City Council Member Eric Ulrich for state senate in the 15th Senate District in Queens. Rabbi Caller was joined by Gary Soloveyand, Yuri Rozel and prominent members of the Russian Jewish Community of New York.

Community First, made up of both religious leaders and lay activists in the Jewish community, advocates for increased voter participation in the Orthodox Jewish and Russian Jewish communities. The primary goals of the organization are housing, vocational training and job creation.

“As councilman, Eric Ulrich has represented the family and community values that the Jewish community holds dear,” said Rabbi Nachman Caller. “It’s critical that we elect leaders like Councilman Ulrich to the state senate to ensure the Jewish community has strong representation on issues before the state. We’re proud to support him.”

“I’m grateful to Community First and Rabbi Caller for their support of my campaign,” said Ulrich. “This organization is made up of individuals who care deeply about their community and they know that they’ll have a voice in Albany when I am elected to the senate.”

38th Assembly Dist. Public Advocate Backing Miller

Public Advocate Bill de Blasio announced his endorsement today for Assemblyman Michael Miller, who is running for re-election in today’s (Sept. 13) primary election.

“Assemblyman Miller has demonstrated the ability to lead and to stand up for members of the 38th Assembly District, both in here in Queens and in Albany. His constituents know he has an open door to help improve the community or wrestle with a government agency mixed up in red tape. I am proud to endorse Mike for re-election, and am confident he will continue doing an excellent job for Queens voters,” said de Blasio.

“I’m honored to receive the endorsement of Public Advocate Bill de Blasio. Whether it is advocating for affordable housing or good schools, Bill de Blasio hasbeen a tireless champion for Queens families and a true public servant. It has been an honor to work alongside Bill and to represent the people of the 38th Assembly District these past three years,” said Miller.

NY- 6 Congress Race Halloran Opens Glendale Office

City Council Member Dan Halloran, the Republican nominee for the Sixth Congressional District seat, opened his campaign office in Glendale last Saturday, Sept. 8.

Rep. Bob Turner, former State Senators Frank Padavan and Serphin Maltese and City Councilman Eric Ulrich were on hand, and gave Halloran emphatic endorsements. All four represent or represented parts of the diverse Queens district.

Ulrich is running for State Senate in the seat held by Maltese for 20 years. And Turner was elected to Congress last year in a heavily Democratic district that includes much of the new Sixth District, where Halloran is currently campaigning.

“This election is about three things: jobs, jobs and jobs. Our President went to a little soiree in Charlotte last week and didn’t mention jobs, because he can’t mention jobs,” Halloran said. “We created fewer jobs this month than the month before. We’re at over eight percent unemployment, higher in New York City. This country’s job growth is the core problem we have. We have put small businesses out of business, through ‘progressive’ taxation and bureaucratic regulation. This country has turned its back on job creators and said it’s the role of government to create jobs. There is a real problem when the people depend on the government for their jobs.”

Police Union Likes

Meng For Congress

Assemblywoman Grace Meng, the Democratic candidate for Congress in New York’s Sixth district, received the endorsement of the New York City Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association.

PBA President Patrick J. Lynch said: “Assemblywoman Grace Meng understands how important safe streets are to keeping neighborhoods vibrant and our city’s economy strong. She has supported legislation in Albany that would require the microstamping of ammunition that will not only help police to solve past crimes but also help to eliminate illegal guns from our city’s streets and that’s good for citizens and police officers alike. She will be a strong fighter in Washington to make sure we have all the federal resources we need to keep our city safe from threats originating both at home and abroad.”

“As Public Safety Chair, I need Grace in Washington to help New York City get its fair share of anti-terror funding to continue to keep the city safe,” added City Council Member Peter F. Vallone Jr.

Meng stated, “As an elected official, nothing is more important to me than the safety of our communities. That is why I am so grateful to have the support of the NYC Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, an organization whose members put their lives on the line to ensure that our communities remain safe places to live, work and raise a family. I will continue to work tirelessly on behalf of them and their families to ensure that they have the support they need and deserve to protect and serve us all every day.”

As noted, only voters who are registered with a party may vote in that party’s primary election on Sept. 13 (Democratic voters may only vote in the Democratic primary; Republican voters may only vote in the Republican primary, etc.).

For more information on voting or to obtain a voting registration application, contact the New York City Board of Elections at 1-212-VOTENYC or visit www.vote.nyc.ny.us.

Press representatives of candidates may send their information to this paper by fax to 1-718-456-0120 or e-mail to info@times newsweekly.com. All releases are subject to editing.