This letter is in response to Ron Hellman’s Sept. 13-19 Astoria Times article “Queens deserves another dedicated theater space,” which called for more theater spaces in Queens.
Variations Theatre Group is a community of predominantly Queens-based artists who are in agreement with the sentiments he presents. The publishing of his article is timely because we at Variations Theatre Group have just announced we are building a new theater complex in Long Island City in an old U.S. Chain Factory just off the Court Square subway stop.
After three successful years of working predominantly in Manhattan, we are excited to bring our passion and talent back to Queens and provide an opportunity for the numerous local artists of many disciplines to hone their crafts here in one of the most eclectic neighborhoods of New York City.
We look forward to introducing the neighborhood and borough to our new home, The Chain Theatre. For more information, visit
Greg Cicchino
Long Island City