
U.S. must keep its guard up

The end of 2013 does not promise national security for the United States or the world. It comes at a time that for once in recent memory the two national parties have reached an agreement that may avoid fiscal warfare for the next two years.

China is flexing its growing economic and military prowess while continuing to poison the air its citizens breathe. China has unilaterally expanded its air defense zone over disputed islands in the East China Sea. Japan has responded by sending its coast guard to protect Japanese fishermen. The United States has flown through the newly claimed air space as have other nations.

One misstep by a jingoistic officer with a hand on a button would ignite a conflict that would engulf most of the Pacific Rim nations.

The Ukraine is in turmoil with Russia fueling the fires. Russian President Vladimir Putin is seeking to re-establish a Soviet-era zone of influence. He is determined to deny democratic reforms not only to Russians but former Eastern Bloc citizens. It appears he has purchased Ukrainian loyalty for $15 billion.

Any belief that Putin’s granting early release to dissents and political adversaries is hype, as those set free were scheduled to complete their prison terms within months.

North Korea has declared that it may attack South Korea “without notice” in response to anti-North Korean rallies in Seoul. Having Kim Jong-un’s hand on the nuclear button with an army of 1 million men is horrifying. Even if the North does nothing, it seems apparent Kim will begin to export nuclear weapons to those who dream of destroying America.

Facing the realities that place the United States in harm’s way, we can only hope the political wars in Washington come to an end. If Americans continue to view their fellow citizens as adversaries, our enemies have already gained an advantage over us.

Edward Horn

Baldwin, L.I.