
Horse carriages just like child labor

In response to the Feb. 14-20 letter “Horse carriage drivers need to upgrade,” Elizabeth Forel makes some good points.

It is the political connections that have left this unsafe, inhumane business in operation. In history, many cruel, antiquated practices have ended, such as child labor. Businesses of old used young children in their employ.

The argument was that the owners could make more money paying the children low wages. This was not a sufficient excuse to continue to use child labor. Years ago, worker safety was not an issue, as evidenced by the Triangle Shirt Factory fire. Owners made more money by cutting corners on safety.

Again, this can no longer be used an excuse to force people to work in unsafe conditions. The carriage horse industry must go in the same direction.

The inhumane treatment of the horses, and the safety issue of accidents involving horse-drawn carriages, cannot continue to be ignored just because someone chooses to earn their living by driving a carriage pulled by a horse, even when alternatives, such as motor-powered carriages, are available.

Teresa Russo

Staten Island