
Gratitude to our mail carriers

By Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

I would like, at this time, to praise our men and women in the U.S.Postal Service whose tireless efforts bring us our mail everyday.

In Glen Oaks Village, we have a letter carrier named Diane who delivers our mail. To the many that she meets on her route, she delivers with a smile and a kind word.

Then there is my best friend, David Duffy, who delivered mail in Queens for over 40 years and is now semi-retired. He has good stories to tell about his route, and believed he did his best for those who depended on their mail.

In Mineola, where I work at Northeast Plumbing, we have a mail carrier named Jimmy who gives us our mail and picks up outgoing mail that is important for our business. He does this with a smile and a kind word. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Jimmy would ask how we were doing and showed genuine concern and sympathy for what many of us were going through.

These are just a few examples of these fine mail carriers.

Our prayers go out to these men and women who serve the public with dedication and hard work. They deserve to be honored for all that they do. Remember this saying about our these noble workers: “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” That is so true.

So, I say God bless the men and women who have served us so well over the years. They deserve recognition for a job well done.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Glen Oaks Village