
Victoria’s Secrets: Last licks in the ‘Pink Paradise’

My friends from Wilmington Trust met Isaac Boots in the lobby.

I’ve spent the last three months publishing Dan’s Papers in Palm Beach, a terrifically beautiful town I’ve dubbed the “Pink Paradise.”

Dan’s Papers has now served Palm Beach County for the past two years, with great success! I’ve come to call our “P.B.” readers members of the “Golden Triangle,” as most live in Palm Beach, in the Hamptons and in NYC

It’s been a gift to me to meet so many people who knew Dan’s Papers from the Hamptons and have enormous respect and recognition for our media.

Many readers have told me they make sure to pick up our papers before they head home because they never want to wait and chance not reading the “bible” of the Hamptons.

What a delight it is to have such avid followers!

With so many people in Palm Beach who know us, many doors have been opened, enabling me to build relationships in my “winter home.” 

Although I’ve lived in Palm Beach, I visited the other parts of the county, from Boca Raton to Delray Beach, to Boynton Beach, to Jupiter and to Wellington these past few months. 

As I wind down my stay, I delightedly met my children on their school break vacation at the Beach Club at The Boca Raton hotel.

A surprise visit with Hudson and Sloane at the Boca Raton Beach Club

We spent the day taking in the pastel blue skies and warm waters of the pool and the ocean. Although we had a cabana contingent to the beach, I went onto the beach walking through the hot sand to find a lounge chair and umbrella, giving me a front-row seat facing the rolling waves of the ocean. I took in the hot sun and delighted in the soft breezes and the beautiful faces of my children. What a special bonus visit!


My dear friend Donna Schneier, an art consultant, created BIJOUX!, a contemporary jewelry exhibition and sale in the newly renovated Boca Raton Museum of Art.

With Donna Schneier and Michele Barnet

It was my delight to revisit the world-class museum where the exhibit and sale filled several galleries for the week, raising needed dollars!

Jewelry designer Uli Rapp, from the Netherlands, at BIJOUX!

As a bonus, the iconic Iris Apfel sold some of her unique jewelry collection and spoke to a sold-out group filling the 100 white chairs as she sat on the stage being interviewed by former CBS reporter Jane Hanson

Iris Apfel entertaining the crowd at BIJOUX!

Iris spoke about her remarkable life of collecting and answered dozens of questions from curious collectors.

I’ve been to Iris’ Palm Beach apartment, and boy does she collect! Every corner has collections  of unique and marvelous items from around the world. She dug out enough jewelry from her warehouse to sell, filling four showcases!

At the BIJOUX! event, I saw some of my Westhampton friends, including Michelle Barnet, Bonnie and Bruce Katz, Rita Stein and Estee Brahver, who came to support Donna and her fundraising efforts for the museum. 

I met some talented artists whose creations can both be worn and displayed! The international group brought their exquisite work for all of us to treasure, admire and own.


During my last week in Palm Beach, I also attended a fundraising lunch for the powerful American Humane Society, led by the brilliant CEO Robin Ganzert and organized by philanthropist Jean Shafiroff.

Pamela F. O’Connor and Robin Ganzert
Camilla Webster and Jean Shafiroff
(From l. to r.) Ruth Miller, Ava Roosevelt and Janet Levy

Robin shared the critical work they do all over the country, particularly their pledge as a no-kill shelter.

For information on how to support their work, visit americanhumane.org.

I may be back home, but the people and places I visited over the last few months will forever be in my heart and memory bank!