
Victoria’s Secrets: Bursting with pride

Blake & his proud family

My buttons were bursting with pride as my brilliant Blake, my oldest grandson, graduated from Roslyn High School, leading his class into the auditorium and earning 19 recognition awards.

Blake with his Cords and medals

Since Blake’s birth, he’s had a winning personality and has grown into a tender, caring and intelligent young man. His graduation was the pinnacle of his school career — and what a glorious event it was.

Blake with Josh, Tracey, Hudson & Sloane

All my family — including my children and grandchildren — gathered at Tilles Center to mark the occasion. Blake’s mom Samantha got there three hours before the ceremony to secure our 13 seats up front to get the best views of Blake.

Addy, Josh, Sloane & Hudson

Finally, at the stroke of 2 p.m., the band struck up and boldly played the Pomp and Circumstance march as my beautiful Blake, holding the New York State flag — began his class’s procession into the overflowing and joyous crowd of families and friends. My tears started to flow as he made his way down the long aisle to the stage.

Blake carried the New York State flag leading the procession of his class.

His smile lit up the massive hall as he proudly marched his fellow graduates onto the stage. One by one, they climbed the steps to take their seats, each one with a smile brighter than the next.

Jonah, Addy, Blake & Elizabeth

I turned from tears to cheers as my Blake took his place front row, center stage before taking the microphone to welcome the guests and his classmates, having served as their class president for the past four years. 

Blake addressing his fellow graduates

My heart was bursting with pride as he boldly, strongly and eloquently spoke of his gratitude to his family and teachers and addressed his fellow graduates with joy in his voice that filled all of us with joy. He shared his appreciation of his friendships and his extraordinary teachers and even saluted the three Roslyn High School retiring teachers.

Accepting his diploma from the school board President Meryl Waxman Ben-Lev

He commanded the stage!

I loved how his fellow students and the audience cheered him after his well delivered and well thought out speech.

Blake & his sister Morgan

School Superintendent Allison Brown said something unusual in her speech to the graduates. “Think with your thumbs. Think before you speak or text. Don’t let your thumbs run your life. Show kindness, common sense and laughter! Remember, thumbs are good for sending your moms text messages!”

Blake with his celebrating cousins

Then, the Salutatorian Cole Goodman spoke and also offered wise advice. One of his quotes is actually the mantra by which I run my life: “Surround yourself with great people.” I believe my success in business and my personal life are a testimony to that great advice.

Dinner celebrations

Brilliant Valedictorian Jacob Gross also offered great words of wisdom in his three-minute talk, during which he shared a life lesson: “Stay curious, be kind and remember to laugh.” Well said!

Blake & Valedictorian Jacob Gross

Ironically, these brilliant graduates shared the wisest of all words — that’s why they are the future “masters of the universe.” Based on their brilliance, it’s clear our future leaders are devoted to excellence. May God be kind to them!

Masters of the universe! (From l. to r.) Charlie Heller, Tyler Giordano, Noah Finkelstein, Benjamin Rabinovich, Blake Sohmer, Jack Meyer, Justin Vishnick, Mason Goodstadt, Brody Schwartz & Alex Gerson

My heart overflows with gratitude and blessings for my star Blake!

Blake & I

Love to you, my dear readers.

Toasting Blake