
Racial Flap Sends Shockwaves Through School Named For Civil Rights Pioneer

The Arthur Ashe School in Richmond Hill, named after the legendary African-American tennis player who championed a fight for civil rights became embroiled in its own racial dispute this week, as the schools principal was removed for making insensitive comments towards children of color.
Phyllis Lichtman, who is white, has been accused by parents of making racially offensive comments towards children at the ethnically diverse P.S. 161. Lichtman was formerly assistant principal of P.S. 31 in Bayside and led the school for eight months.
Lichtman was allegedly quoted as saying "Children of color dont pose well for Polaroid" and children need to wash their clothing because "theyre in America now."
"The investigation is ongoing, and superintendent Neil Krenick is still examining all the facts," said Ron Levine, spokesperson for School District 28.
When asked by The Queens Courier if Lichtman would be terminated from the Board of Education if the comments were proven true, Levine said "it wouldnt be fair to float around possibilities at this point."
Lichtman has been reassigned to P.S. 117 in Briarwood while the allegations are investigated.
Coincidentally, Beverly Chisolm, an African-American assistant principal at P.S. 117 will take over the role of acting principal at P.S. 161 during the investigation. P.S. 117 is comprised predominately of African-Americans and Hispanics.
Queens Board of Education representative Terri Thomson said she could not comment on the Boards investigation while it was ongoing.
P.S. 161the Arthur Ashe School houses a student body comprised predominately of Indian and South Asian children, as well as large numbers of Hispanics and African-Americans. The school opened only two months ago.