
Learn to swim in boro pools

Parks & Recreation and the City Parks Foundation have kicked off this year’s annual Learn-to-Swim Program at three sites in Queens.

Learn-to-Swim is a free instructional program that runs at New York City’s public outdoor pools. The program teaches tots (ages 1 – 5) and children (ages 6 – 14) basic water safety and swimming skills. This summer, there are two three-week Learn-to-Swim sessions, and one five-week session.

Locations and class times vary depending on the session. A partial schedule is listed below. For more information go to www.nyc.gov/parks or call 311.

Three-Week Sessions

Session No. 1: July 8-25, registration, July 7, 9:15-10:30 a.m.

Session No. 2: July 29 to Aug. 14, registraion, July 28, 9:15-10:30 a.m.

Astoria Pool, 19th St. and 23rd Drive

Fisher Pool, 99th St. and 32nd Ave.

Five-Week Sessions

Classes will be held once a week and begin the week after registration.

Liberty Pool, 173rd St. and 106th Ave. Registration: Wednesday, July 9, 9:15 – 10:30 a.m.