Back in January, we proudly announced the re-launch of our website, Designed to be the most comprehensive and interactive website in Queens, it is FREE to all users.
We also announced that every user will be in the running to win our grand prize of $1,000 or other runner-up prizes such as gift certificates to Queens restaurants, sporting events and shows.
Did you become a user?
Registration is FREE and takes a minute. Go to the website at, and when the Home Page opens click on any story teaser and you will see the sign-in screen for members. Scroll down and fill out the form provided and click the Create Account button when you are done.
You will be asked to provide a User Name, a Password, an Email Address, the year of your birth (children under thirteen cannot register), your First and Last names, and your complete Address. Nothing more is required and registration is FREE.
Hurry though - don’t wait any longer. You only have one more week to be automatically entered to win the Grand Prize of $1,000. The winners will be announced on the website and in The Queens Courier edition of April 6th.
You will be able to use our website’s interactive community calendar and post your organization’s events for all to see - FREE. Check it out, just click on the calendar icon on the left hand side of the Home Page and then click on the “Click here to submit an event” hotlink, and follow the prompts.
(Contest entrants must be 21 years-of-age or older, no purchase is necessary. Employees of Schneps Communications and their families are not eligible to win this contest. Void where prohibited.)