
&#8220Dream degree” a 16 year quest

Edna Best stands as a testament to patience and perseverance; plotting a slow and steady pace, she reached her &#8220life long dream” - in 16 years - earning her bachelor's degree at the age of 64.
Working as an administrative assistant/office manager at LaGuardia Community College (LAGC), Best, an excellent typist - at 90 words a minute - had no computer skills. Realizing the importance of computer knowledge in the technical world that we live in, she enrolled in the college's yearlong computer training program in 1990.
&#8220I knew that to advance in any career I had to develop computer skills so I was determined to learn this new technology,” she said. &#8220I walked into the classroom with a mind set - keep focused; become a sponge.”
After completing the computer course, Best was accepted into LAGC's credited office technology program.
While furthering her education at night, Best worked during the day at the college's Institute for Education Training and Employment until 2003 when she began working in the office of the Vice President of Adult and Continuing Education.
In 1998, Best was closer to her dream, receiving her associate's degree in microcomputer systems and applications.
Two years later, after thorough research, Best enrolled in Empire State College. Due to their innovative and flexible schedule, she was able to create her own degree program in business management and economics with a concentration in business administration, which allowed her to maintain her current professional and personal responsibilities.
Six years later, she reached her goal, earning her Bachelor of Science degree in June 2006. Moreover, she is not finished learning.
Best plans to go even further, but this time taking classes that are not just required for a degree, but that interest her too, like flower arranging.
Best likens obtaining an education to doing a research paper, &#8220You only need five pages, but you end up with twenty because what you learned is so interesting, you go further and further,” she said wisely.