
Students learn ins and outs of exhibiting Museum Mavens

Through the Queens Teens Program at the Queens Museum of Art, local high school students get to learn what the museum is all about and become a valuable part of it.
Founded about five years ago, the Queens Teens Program takes in about 20 to 30 students a year. Currently, its participants come from The Frank Sinatra School of the Arts in Long Island City and the High School for Arts and Business in Corona, the two schools the museum has partnerships with. However, they are looking to open the program to other local students.
&#8220What we're looking to do and provide for teens is the exposure to the museum,” said Laura Groskinsky, the museum's Family and Teen Education Coordinator. &#8220They get a real sense of everything that comes together to make a museum.”
In order to become a part of the program, students have to fill out an application and many are recommended by their teachers. They also go through an interview process so that the museum can see what their interests are.
Throughout the course of the program, which runs during the school year, students come to the museum after class on Wednesday afternoons. While there, they learn about the actual layout of the museum, its exhibitions and also meet with curators, artists and other employees of the museum to learn what they do.
&#8220It's really a great experience for the teens,” Groskinsky said.
The program also includes series that address areas such as communication skills, professional behavior and how to represent the museum. Another important aspect of the lessons takes the high school students into the galleries to look at the art work and learn interpretive skills.
&#8220It's a wonderful match with teenagers because it's art being made in their time,” Groskinsky said.
Some of the Queens Teens Program participants also work part-time positions on the weekends where they help with classes and in other capacities.
Although the program gives a lot to the teens, Groskinsky said that the teens also give a lot to the museum. They become an integral part of the museum and assist staff members with various projects and events. Groskinsky also said that the fact that so many of the students are bilingual and speak Spanish has helped the museum communicate better with its visitors.
&#8220They add a really good energy and people really rely on them,” Groskinsky said. &#8220They've become very valued.”
The Queens Museum of Art is located at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. For more information on it, visit www.queensmuseum.org or call 718-592-9700.
For more information on the Queens Teens Program, contact Groskinsky at 718-592-9700 x137.