
Holocaust Resource Center honors Padavan

Queensborough Community College President Eduardo J. Mart presented Senator Frank Padavan with a citation from the Harriet and Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives for his many years of support for the Holocaust Center.
&#8220Senator Frank Padavan has been a steadfast friend of the Holocaust Center these many years,” said Queensborough President Eduardo J. Mart, who presented Senator Padavan with a plaque commemorating the award on Tuesday, October 17.
Mart commended Padavan for gaining support and funding for the Center in Albany, which Mart said had ensured the ongoing operation of the Kupferberg Center. &#8220His constant assistance has enhanced the lives of our students as well as the communities we service,” Mart said.
In addition to Mart, the ceremony was attended by Dr. Arthur Flug, Executive Director of the Kupferberg Center, Dr. Sandra Delson Deutsch, Chair of the Center's Program Advisory Committee, and Harriet Kupferberg. Three of the Center's interns, Claude S. Copeland, Jr., Jonathan Hanley and Aron Katayev were also there.
Kupferberg, an active Queens resident and Queensborough Community College board member for decades, recently donated $1,000,000, to the college. This is the largest donation in its history and will extend the Center's programming in perpetuity. Last month, the Center was dedicated and named for Mrs. Kupferberg and her late husband Kenneth.
Funding from Senator Padavan helps support the internship program established at the Center. Once interns have an understanding of the history of the Holocaust they are trained on proper interview techniques and paired with a Holocaust survivor, in order to document their stories for the archives. Dr. Arthur Flug said, &#8220In many instances survivors were about the same age during the Holocaust as the intern is today. The end result is to provide the students with a human connection to an important part of history.”