
Jillian O'Shea named Librarian of the Year

Fresh Meadows librarian Jillian O'Shea has been named Librarian of the Year from Queens by The New York Times.
O'Shea has been working in the Queens Library system since 1999 when she started as the Children's Librarian at the Lefferts Community Library in Richmond Hill and worked briefly at the Ozone Park Community Library. In April 2000, she became the Children's Librarian at Queens Library at Fresh Meadows.
Melissa Long, a former volunteer at the library who became a library page, nominated O'Shea for the honor, because of her &#8220cheerful encouragement and patience with all youth, her wit, humor and innovative ideas for enhancing children's library experience.” In nominating O'Shea, Long also talked about &#8220her commitment to providing a safe and comfortable environment for youth to explore the literary world.”
&#8220Ms. O'Shea takes a vested interest in each child's projects, helps them find materials, and gives each one her undivided attention,” Long said.
In total, more than 1,300 librarians from 45 different states were nominated to be recognized by the New York Times. Of those, 25 winners, representing 17 states, were selected, including one from each of the three independent library systems in the city.
&#8220I have been Fresh Meadows' Children's Librarian for over six years and the families that I serve have become as close as my own. I am fortunate to be a part of a world-renowned organization and a great community,” O'Shea said. &#8220The support that Queens Library offers its librarians enables me to provide excellent service to the area and surrounding community. I love my job.”
Along with being named the Librarian of the Year in Queens, O'Shea was given a commemorative plaque and a $2,500 check. The library will also be given a plaque to display.