
Howard Beach celebrates Columbus Day and says . . . Viva Italia!

Columbus Day may be a celebration of the Italian heritage, but, as locals proved Saturday, October 13, you don’t have to be Italian to celebrate it.
Cross Bay Boulevard in Howard Beach served as the stage for the Second Annual Columbus Day Parade, featuring live music, wildly decorative floats and representatives from various local community groups who marched from 156th Avenue to about 162nd Avenue.
“We had great weather, and everyone had a good time,” said Councilmember Joe Addabbo. “It’s always a good thing for Howard Beach to promote the positive aspects of the Italian-American culture. I’m already looking forward to helping organize next year’s.”
Students from local high schools sent their marching bands to the parade, and many organizations showed off original floats.
For other groups, just marching was excitement enough. One such group was Boy Scout Troop and Cub Scout Pack 139, which helped local leaders in early October by cleaning up litter along Cross Bay to prepare for the event.
“The bands were awesome,” said District 27 Democratic Leader Frank Gulluscio. “That’s exactly what a parade needs. I loved seeing all the schools participate, and I loved that there were so many young kids. They’re gonna remember this throughout their lives.”
The float that induced the most “oohs” and “ahhs” was the giant astronaut put together by lifelong Howard Beach resident Charles Camarata, who, after the event, was mobbed by kids requesting his autograph.